Medical Quiz

Musculoskeletal System Quiz

What substance lubricates & cushions movement in our major joints? (knee, elbow, etc)

A. synovial fluid

B. osteoblasts

C. ligaments

D. oil

Select your answer:


Division of Microbiology Population Ecology Infant Nutrition Gastroenterology Health and Nutrition Protein and Amino Acid Metabolism Food Microbiology Soldiers of Defense Pulmonology/Respiratory HNBS Intern Vital Signs Digestive System Anatomy of the Eye The Ear Carbohydrate Metabolism

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Check for normal breathing, taking no more than five or 10 seconds



Bone, Spine, and Joint Pathology › View

metabolic disease of bone; unknown cause; results in bone destruction and deformity

A. Paget’s disease

B. arthritis

C. rheumatoid arthritis

D. osteomalacia