Medical Quiz

Covid-19 Quiz

Coronavirus has mostly affected which age group?

A. elderly 50-80 yrs old

B. young children 0-12 yrs old

C. young adults 21-35 yrs old

D. middle-aged 35-50

Select your answer:


Disease as a Failure of Homeostasis Heart and Blood Vessels Lifetime Wellness Human Body Life Processes Bacterial Resistance and Biotechnology Anatomy - Muscle Contraction and Growth Transportation Joints & Movement Pharmacology All About Blood Microbes and Infectious Disease Body Defense Stress and Mental Health Pathogens

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Fitness › View

serious illnesses

A. Weightlifting

B. Diet

C. Diseases

D. Junk food

Head and Neck Anatomy › View

Which is not a region of the head?

A. frontal parietal occipital mental

B. temporal orbital nasal

C. clavicle femur xiphoid process

D. infraorbital zygomatic buccal oral