Medical Quiz

Covid-19 Quiz

Practicing ” social distancing ” means you should…

A. Stop talking to friends and family

B. NEVER leave your house

C. Stay several feet away from others whenever possible

Select your answer:


MS Neurology History of Psychology Skel, Musc, Nerv, Circ, Resp Biological Molecules Blood Groups BIOMEDICAL MCQ Genetic Engineering Healthy Lifestyle Genetics and Censorship Introduction to Histology Human Eye Uses of Radioactive Radiation Aerobic- Cardio Respiratory Endurance Vaccines Salmonella vs E.coli

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Medicine on the Western Front › View

The likelihood of death from severe shrapnel or gunshot wounds in 1915 was 20%. Due to the Thomas Splint, what did the survival rate increase to?
A. 72%
B. 82%
C. 92%
D. 95%

Cardiovascular Pathophysiology › View

Inflammation of the sac surrounding the heart.

A. congestive heart failure

B. endocarditis

C. pericarditis

D. myocarditis