Medical Quiz

Vitamin Quiz

What are the symptoms if you have Beri beri?

A. Muscles wasting away

B. Constantly bleeding

C. Lack of breath

D. Vomiting

Select your answer:


Measles and Hib Biopsychology - Neuroplasticity and Functional Recovery Pathology Vascular Surgery Human Genetics Vitals Common Diseases in Human Beings Bacteria & Viruses Cardiovascular and Respiratory Characteristics of Life Head and Neck Anatomy The Brain Our Control Center CVA Cell Vocabulary Communicable Diseases and Immune Response (OCR)

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Cancer-causing substance.

A. Stem Cell

B. Carcinogen

C. Cyclin-dependent kinase

D. Cyclin

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After picking up oxygen from the lungs and going back to the heart, the correct order of an oxygenated red blood cell traveling to a muscle from the heart is

A. Vein, capillary, muscle

B. Vein, artery, muscle

C. Artery, capillary, muscle

D. Artery, vein, muscle