Medical Quiz

Diet Quiz

Why is the calcium important in our diet?

A. To improve our sleeping habit

B. To help our bones grow stronger

C. To repair and grow muscles

D. For healthy skin

Select your answer:


Hearing Impairment Surgical & Complementary Terms Biology Immune System Cell Structure and Function Concept Male Reproductive System Hele Skeletal System Neuroanatomy Biochemistry/Cells Diseases Communicable or non Communicable Monoclonal Antibodies Selective Breeding Health and Diseases Respiratory and Circulatory Discovery of DNA

Other quiz:

Kinetics › View

Which of the following is NOT a factor affecting reaction rate?

A. temperature

B. catalysts

C. particle size

D. polarity

Digestion and Absorption of Carbohydrates › View

Which organs carry out most carbohydrate digestion?

A. mouth

B. stomach

C. liver

D. large intestine