Medical Quiz

Fat Quiz

What is the main reason for eating a wide variety of foods? 
A. to learn the food label
B. to provide all the nutrients you need 
C. to keep from getting bored with your diet 
D. to help improve physical fitness 

Select your answer:


Composition Of Human Blood Tutor Oral Biology Vessels Blood and Hematology Terms for The Skeletal System Psychology Vocabulary Phlebotomy Heart and Circulatory System Lungs Hele Skeletal System Transport system in Living Things (Human) Source of Food Digestive System (Gastroenterology) Joints & Movement Reproduction

Other quiz:

Digestive System (Gastroenterology) › View

Bile may flow backward to the ____ through the_____

A. gallbladder, cystic duct

B. pancreas, pancreatic duct

C. liver, ductus bilous

D. Right hepatic duct, left hepatic duct

E. None of these is correct

Cell Structure and Functions › View

What two tissues transport materials throughout the entire plant body?

A. sclerenchyma and xylem

B. phloem and xylem

C. parenchyma and xylem

D. sclerenchyma and collenchyma