Medical Quiz

Principle of Health Science Quiz

What oath do doctors have to take?

A. Galen’s Oath

B. The Vesalic Oath

C. The Hippocratic Oath

D. The patients Oath

Select your answer:


Enzymes and Their Functions Neuroanatomy of CNS Cell Cycle Problems Foodborne Illness Coronary Heart Diseases Macromolecules & Enzymes History of Medicine Careers in Health Care Nutrition In Animal Injuries in Archery Laboratory Careers Thyroid Gland Understanding Psychology Nervous System Hospitality Skills for Health

Other quiz:

Musculoskeletal System › View

Where is the smallest bone in your body?

A. hand

B. spine

C. ear

D. pinky toe

Reproduction in Human Beings › View

After fertilisation, the zygote will divide to form ___________________

A. a baby

B. a foetus

C. an embryo

D. implantation