★ Principle of Health Science Quiz
What oath do doctors have to take?
A. Galen’s Oath
B. The Vesalic Oath
C. The Hippocratic Oath
D. The patients Oath
Select your answer:
Asexual Reproduction Polio Skeleton and Muscles Health Issues Related to Digesting System and Eating Habits Oronasal Suctioning Eye or Nose Injuries Lifetime Wellness Integumentary and Musculoskeletal Systems Herd Immunity The Cardiovascular System: Blood Vessels and Hemodynamics Restrictive Respiratory Disorders SCI CH2-1 Proteins Nervous and Endocrine System Human Body SystemsOther quiz:
Health issue related to immune system › ViewWhat body system is attacked by the HIV virus?
A. The reproductive system
B. The respiratory system
C. The endocrine system
D. The immune system
Musculoskeletal System › View
An example of Skeletal muscle is
A. Tricep
B. Digestive tract
C. Heart