the scientific name of human is …
A. homo erectus
B. homo intellega
C. humus
D. homo sapiens
Select your answer:
Heart Histology - Tissues Receptors Asthma Biological Molecules and Enzymes Terms and Definitions - Diseases Reproduction in Human Beings Blood Formation and Clotting Bones, Joints and Muscles Human Anatomy Digestive System Cell Cycle Muscle Tissue Muscle Origin, Insertion, and Function Normal Radiographic AnatomyOther quiz:
Kidney - Loop of Henlé › ViewThe function of the counter current multiplier process in loop of Henle is
A. To promote diffusion of Na+ ions into the tubule from blood capillaries
B. To promote diffusion of Na+ ions into blood capillaries from the tubule
C. To promote diffusion of water from the tubule into blood capillaries
D. To promote diffusion of water from blood capillaries into the tubule
Nervous System › View
The middle coat of the eyeball that contains pigment which prevents light from scattering in the eyeball is the
A. Pupil
B. Choriod
C. Retina
D. Sclera