Medical Quiz

Nervous System Quiz

The “blind spot” of the eye where no photo receptor cells are present is located at the:

A. Pupil

B. choroid

C. retina

D. optic nerve

Select your answer:


Polio Human Eye Arteries Cardio and Resp Disorders Immune Response Mental Health Pathology Dyslexia Ankle Injuries Eye or Nose Injuries Herd Immunity Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering Microbial Growth Microorganisms, Health and Diseases Lymphatic System

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Father of psychiatry is

A. Hippocrates

B. Asceipiades

C. Renaisance

D. Aristotle

Immunity › View

If the skin is broken then a blood clot forms to seal this cut.

What is the first step in the process of blood clotting?

A. Fibrinogen turns into fibrin

B. Platelets release clotting factors

C. Fibrinogen is converted into thrombin

D. Thrombin is converted into prothrombin