Medical Quiz

Skeletal System Quiz

Bone destroying cells known as osteoclasts are activated by the hormone ______________.

A. calcitonin

B. parathyroid hormone

C. insulin

D. growth hormone

Select your answer:


Muscle Tissues Cardiovascular Nursing Viruses Biomolecules Parts of the Body Uses of Radioactive Radiation Respiratory Acidosis Genes, Genomes & Alleles Neuroanatomy Types of Immunity Thyroid Tracheostomy Care Digestive and Circulatory System Forensic Odontology Vascular Surgery Blood Cells

Other quiz:

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An unborn child of Rh+ mother and Rh- father is exposed to risks involving Rh antigen.

A. Yes

B. No

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What constitutes sebum?

A. the secretary product and cell debris

B. keratin

C. hair shafts and follicles