Medical Quiz

Digestive System Quiz

Amylase in saliva changes starch into…

A. sugar

B. waste

C. stomach acid

D. chyme

Select your answer:


Pathology of Respiratory System Deaf Blind Measles and Hib Hospital Unit Food and Nutrition Kidney - Loop of Henlé Health - Nutrition Eye or Nose Injuries Geriatrics Restrictive Respiratory Disorders Environmental Biotechnology Endocrine System Antibiotic in Orthopaedics Cardiovascular Diseases Health and Nutrition

Other quiz:

Thyroid Gland › View

How does thyroid affect the body ?

A. Body temperature

B. Heart rate

C. Blood pressure

D. All of these above

Organ Systems › View

Heart, blood vessels, blood

A. Digestive system

B. Excretory system

C. Circulatory system

D. Immune system