Medical Quiz

Neuroanatomy Quiz

What part of the brain explains why we oftentimes initially make more emotionally driven behaviors in responding to a situation?

A. Amygdala

B. Cerebellum

C. Medulla Oblongata

D. Hypothalamus

Select your answer:


Endocrine System Terms Radiography Sensory System Key Terms Anatomy and Physiology Upper Limb Blood Cells Nail Enhancement Organisms Macronutrients & Micronutrients Nucleic Acids Embryology Cells and Organ Systems Body Defense Medical Terminology Prefixes Basics of Cardiology

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Respiratory and Circulatory › View

The gas that we inhale and is needed by the cells of the body.

A. oxygen

B. nitrogen

C. carbon dioxdie

D. unleaded

Heart Anatomy › View

What is the strongest (thickest) part of the heart?

A. right atrium

B. right ventricle

C. left ventricle

D. left atrium