Medical Quiz

Neuroanatomy & Physiology Quiz

Which of the following is not true regarding the paleospinal thalamic tract?

A. It is part of the lateral spinothalamic tract

B. It carries slow pain

C. It uses unmyelinated Type C fibers to carry the pain

D. It uses glutamate as a neurotransmitter

Select your answer:


Cholera Defence against Infectious Diseases Nutrition Vocabulary Bacterial Growth Leaves DNA Human Body and Pathogens Parathyroid Gland Psychiatry Vessels Terms for The Skeletal System Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering Health Systems Lipid Metabolism Microbiology

Other quiz:

Lymphatic System › View

Primary lymphoid organs are made up of _____ & _____ cells

A. A and C

B. B and T

C. D and T

D. B and A

Digestive System (Gastroenterology) › View

The pathway of bile ends at the sphincter of oddi and not at the small intestine