Medical Quiz

Circulatory System Quiz

Circulatory system is also called Cardiovascular system or the vascular system.



Select your answer:


Forensics: Blood Fish Health Management Population Ecology DNA Replication Cell Division Blood Cells Macromolecules & Enzymes Genetics Respiration -ology Orthopedics Discovery of DNA Cariology Parts of Human Body Stem Cells & Cell Differentiation

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A car wreck victim is in need of a blood transfusion. The victim’s blood type is B+. What type of blood can they safely receive?

A. B+ or O+ only

B. B+ or AB+ only

C. B+, B-, O+ or O-

D. Anything but type A+ or A- blood

E. B+, B-, AB+ or AB-

Vet Terminology › View


A. Diagnosis

B. Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

C. Dead on arrival

D. Date of birth