Medical Quiz

Terms for The Skeletal System Quiz

Which of the following would be classified as in the axial skeleton?

A. Humerus

B. Femur

C. Sternum

D. Carpal bones

Select your answer:


Anxiety Disorders Trauma Surgery Bacteria Structure -ology Oncology Protozoan Diseases Pathology Introduction Cell Injury Diversity Renal Replacement Therapies Cell Structure and Function Concept Child Development Stimuli and Responses in Humans Hospitality Organic Compounds, Minerals and Enzymes Hazards & Risks

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A. Ignore it

B. Come back immediately

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An assistant is converting a prescription for 22.5 ml of liquid medication to tablespoons. The assistant should calculate this amount of medication converts to how many tablespoons?

A. 1 tbsp

B. 1.5 tbsp

C. 3 tbsp

D. 2 tbsp