Medical Quiz

Nervous System Quiz

A nerve cell that is specialized to transfer messages in the form of fast moving electrical energy

A. neuron

B. brain

C. medulla

D. cerebellum

Select your answer:


Joints and Range of Motion Parts of the Skin Nutrition Vocabulary Virus, Bacteria, Immunity Enzymes and Metabolic Pathways Cardiovascular Adaptation Refresher Antimicrobial Pharmacology Inflammation and Tissue Repair Vital Signs Skin Growth Transport system in Living Things (Human) Healthcare Systems and Insurance Disease Human Health Excretion in Humans

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How does the body respond to an increase in CO2 conc?

A. No change in heart rate

B. increases heart rate

C. decreases heart rate

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The blind spot is created by the

A. retina

B. optic nerve leaving the eye through the retina

C. nothing; we don’t have one