Medical Quiz

Phlebotomy Medical Terminology Quiz

A medical test done on someone to assess their platelets function.

A. Platelet Function Test

B. Thrombocyte Blood Count

C. Reticulocyte Count

D. Bleeding Time Test

Select your answer:


Life Cycle - Bee Iron Kinetics Blood Pressure and Blood Vessels Health Body Fluids Blood/Lymphatic/Immune Integumentary and Musculoskeletal System Special Senses Immunology and Serology Glucose in the Body Plasmid Inflammation and Healing Skel, Musc, Nerv, Circ, Resp AEMT EMS Systems Conjunctivita

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Which of the following has the lowest total cross-sectional area in the body?

A. aorta

B. venules

C. capillaries

D. arterioles

E. veins

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A. It’s an artificial area where wildlife lives

B. It’s any natural region where wildlife lives undisturbed

C. It’s a protected region created by people to save wildlife