Medical Quiz

Skeletal System Quiz

disease occurs in children, it weakens and softens the bones due to vitamin D deficiency and lack of exposure to sunlight.

A. rickets

B. Osteroporosis

C. Arthritis

D. Scoliosis

Select your answer:


Cell Cycle Skeletal System Homeostatic Imbalances Neuroanatomy of CNS Heart and Circulatory System Microorganisms, Health and Diseases Movement The Musculoskeletal System Muscle Tissue Types of Reproduction Cell - Fundamental Unit of Life Multicellular Organisms: Organisation Nutrients in Food Germs Child Growth and Development Pharmacology

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Joints and Range of Motion › View

Exercises performed by patients who are able to move each joint without assistance

A. Active assistive ROM

B. Active ROM

C. Passive ROM

D. Resistive ROM

Normal Radiographic Anatomy › View

The structure pointed at by the arrow is …

A. mental foramen

B. mandibular foramen

C. incisive canal foramen

D. mental fossa