Medical Quiz

Skeletal System Quiz

Abnormal curvature of the spine or backbone.

A. rickets

B. Osteroporosis

C. Arthritis

D. Scoliosis

Select your answer:


Bacteria, Viruses, and Fungi Cell and Muscle Histology Pancreas Circulatory & Respiratory Thyroid Stress Advanced Stretching SM2 Name that Pathogen HHB Immunology Hospital Unit Nervous System/Endocrine System Shelter Medicine BMI (Body Mass Index) Brain/Neuron Anatomy Food for Thought

Other quiz:

Ears › View

What do the hairs of the cochlea do?

A. create nerve signals

B. trap dirt and particles

C. make it look good

D. trap nutrients

E. trap oxygen

Integumentary System Medical Terminology › View


A. lip

B. fat

C. layer

D. skin