Medical Quiz

Circulatory and Nervous System Quiz

What is the body organ that pumps blood to get more oxygen?

A. Bones

B. Brain

C. Heart

D. Lungs

Select your answer:


Year 7 Nutrition Cells and Organ Systems Types of Nutrients Blood Formation and Clotting Malaria Biochemistry of Diabetes Hematology Lab Values Nervous System and Special Senses Renal Facial & Dental Injuries EMR Pathophysiology Fitness Muscle pathophysiology Nursing Vocabulary Body Systems and Medical Sciences

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Type of movement that points the toes

A. eversion

B. supination

C. plantar flexion

D. inversion

Stress › View

How can you reduce stress?

A. Eating lots of sugar and unhealthy food.

B. Keeping your feelings to yourself and denying help.

C. Staying up all night.

D. Deep breathing.