Medical Quiz

General Anatomy Quiz

Patella is a short bone



Select your answer:


Endocrine System Disorders Microorganisms, Health and Diseases Diseases and Preventions Common Diseases in Human Beings -ology Human Anatomy Cardiovascular System Terminology Psychology, Psychiatry or Social Work Pathology Absorption, Lymphatic System, and Blood Vessels Type 1 Diabetes Cardiopulmonary Biomedical Muscle Tissue Pathogens - Bacteria and Viruses

Other quiz:

Pituitary, Thyroid and Adrenal › View

Where is the Pituitary gland located?

A. Hypophysial Fossa

B. Dorsum Sellae

C. In the brain

D. Sella Turcica

Blood Formation and Clotting › View

What is the name of the common stem cell from which all blood cells are derived?

A. megakaryocytes

B. hempocytoblast

C. lymphoid cells

D. myeloid cells