★ Radiology Infection Control Quiz
Use of chemical or physical procedure to destroy all pathogens, except spores:
A. Asepsis
B. Disinfect
C. Sterilize
D. Antiseptic
Select your answer:
Endocrine System and Nervous System Human Genome and Bioethics Review Medicinal use of Microorganisims Fats and Coronary Heart Disease Cell Structure and Function Concept Movement and Locomotion Biomedical Common Diseases in Human Beings Multicellular Organisms Dental Specialties Diseases Physical Fluid Therapy Health Issues and Concerns Integumentary SystemOther quiz:
Biology › ViewA species is…
A. A group of people with similar categories that reproduce.
B. A group of living things that can breed with each other.
C. A group with similar characteristics that reproduce to form fertile offspring.
D. A group that all look very familiar but that can also make more of themselves.
Effect of Exercise on Cardio Respiratory System & Muscular › View
An increase in size of the heart is known as
A. Muscular hypertrophy
B. Cardiac hypertrophy
C. Muscular atrophy
D. Cardiac atrophy