Medical Quiz

Medical Terminology Quiz

What does the prefix ‘brady-‘ refer to?

A. Within

B. Slow

C. Fast

D. Too high

Select your answer:


Public Health and Genetic Disease Organisms Animal Genetics and Nutrition Neurons Cell Structure and Function Gene Expression Myocarditis Physio Intro Practice Cardiorespiratory System Nutrition, Neuroscience & Mental Health Dermatology Enzymes and Their Functions Autoimmune Disease Clinical Pathology Healthcare Careers

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Microbial Growth › View

These microorganisma can grow at a temperature range of 10 to 50 oC

A. psychrophiles

B. psychrotrophs

C. mesophiles

D. thermophiles

Inflammation and Tissue Repair › View

Excessive collagen production and scarring can be caused by:

A. Infection

B. Edema

C. Excessive stress on the healing area

D. Excessive movement of the healing tissue

E. All of the above