Medical Quiz

Urinary System and Fluid Balance Quiz

The ________ artery lies on the boundary between the cortex and medulla of the kidney.       

A. lobar           

B.  arcuate        

C.  interlobar          

D.  cortical radiate

Select your answer:


Normal Radiographic Anatomy Acute Responses to Exercise Cell Cycle Mitosis for Mya ICU Physical fitness , Wellness and Lifestyle Food and Nutrition Homeotic Genes and Cancer Oral Surgery Diet Nervous System/Endocrine System T Cells Selective Breeding Factors Affecting Health Muscular System Movements

Other quiz:

Ecology › View

Which occurrence represents an example of evolution?
A.  Exposure to radiation reduces the rate of mutation in leaf cells.
B. A mutation in a liver cell causes a person to produce an enzyme that is less efficient.
C.  Cells in a zygote eventually change into bone cells or skin cells
D. Some antibiotics are almost useless, because pathogens have developed a resistance to these antibiotics.

Immunology › View

If you want to make a 1:20 dilution from a 1:5, which dilution factor would be appropriate?

A. 2

B. 4

C. 5

D. 3