Medical Quiz

The Ankle and Lower Leg Quiz

attaches gastrocnemius to the heel 

A. peroneus

B. achilles tendon

C. deltiod

D. fibula 

Select your answer:


Muscoskeletal System All About Blood Hemodynamic Disorder Immune Response Bone Physiology Inherited & Acquired Traits Ankle, Foot, & LL - Injuries Common Respiratoty Diseases Ecology Year 7 Nutrition Oronasal Suctioning Cardiovascular System Anatomy Infant Nutrition Molecular Basis of Inheritance Pathology Introduction Cell Injury

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Circulatory / Respiratory › View

Which structure prevents the backflow of blood from the ventricles to the atria?

A. AV valves

B. septum

C. sinoatrial node

D. atrioventricular node

E. superior vena cava

Excretory System › View

Tiny filtering structures where urine is produced in the kidneys are called
A.     ureters
B.     alveoli
C.     nephron
D.     bronchi