Medical Quiz

Thyroid Quiz

_______ serve as both a factory and a warehouse for the production of thyroid hormones.

A. Thyroid Follicles

B. Pituitary Gland

C. Hypothalamus

D. Parathyroid

Select your answer:


Surgical & Complementary Terms Musculoskeletal System Discovery of DNA Physical Fitness Components Health and The Environment Diseases Communicable or non Communicable Reproductive System Vocabulary Biodiversity BMI (Body Mass Index) Properties of the Hair Histology Pulmonology/Respiratory Antibiotic in Orthopaedics How the Eyes work Bone

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Robots can act just like humans. A reason why they are non-living is because they do not:

A. reproduce

B. require an energy source

C. move

D. sense things in their surroundings

Medical Terminology › View

Symbols are

A. used in place of common words as a form of shorthand

B. used in place of medical terms as a form of short hand

C. not really used anymore due to technology

D. abbreviations formed from the first letter of each word or phrase