Medical Quiz

Musculoskeletal Quiz

A ________ usually is caused by abnormal or excessive movement of the joint

A. strain

B. sprain

C. fracture

D. contusion

Select your answer:


T Cells Protein and Amino Acid Metabolism The Brain Our Control Center Blood clotting Body Systems and Medical Sciences Protein Synthesis Enzymes Viruses Human Circulatory System Cosmetology Anatomy Clinical Pathology Macronutrients & Micronutrients Anatomy - Cellular Respiration Characteristics of Life Genetics and Probability Pituitary, Thyroid and Adrenal

Other quiz:

Pathology › View

. A 55 year old chroic smoker complained of difficulty in breathing and coughing up blood tinged sputum. Sputum cytology revealed cells with increased nuclear cytoplasmic ratio and hyperchromatism. A chest X-ray revealed a mass near the hilum which on endobronchial biopsy proved to be a squamous cell carcinoma. The most common route of spread of carcinoma is

A. serosal (pleural)

B. hematogenous

C. through the sputum

D. lymphatic

Pathophysiology › View

This cellular adaptive response is described as a reduction in the size of the adapted cells to allow more efficient use of energy and more efficient function.

A. Atrophy

B. Hypertrophy

C. Hyperplasia

D. metaplasia

E. Dysplasia