Medical Quiz

The Skeletal System Quiz

When do humans have the most bones in their bodies?

A. As babies

B. Age 50

C. Age 5

D. Age 25

Select your answer:


The Nervous System and The Senses Forensic Pathology (Autopsy) Assessment Musculoskeletal LE Cardiopulmonary Respiratory System Asexual/Sexual Reproduction Systematic Bacteriology Population Ecology BMI, Body Composition and Body Types DNA and Polypeptide Synthesis Philosophy Heredity Human Genome and Bioethics Review AEMT EMS Systems Muscularskeletal System

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When organs and other body parts join together for a particular function, a(n) _______ is formed.

A. organ

B. cell

C. organ system

D. organism

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Colorblindness is a sex-linked recessive trait. A colorblind woman marries a male with normal color vision. What is the percent chance of them having a color blind son?

A. 0%

B. 25%

C. 50%

D. 75%

E. 100%