Medical Quiz

Integumentary System Quiz

The protein that makes us “waterproof” is called

A. keratin

B. melanin

C. carotene

D. mucus

Select your answer:


Stimuli and Responses in Humans The Nervous System and The Senses Stem Cells & Cell Differentiation Salmonella vs E.coli Cellular and Sexual Reproduction Musculoskeletal Disorders Histology - Tissues Gene Expression Mnt For Pulmonary Disease and Adverse Reactions to Food Eyes and Hearing Psychology Vocabulary Cytology and Histology Asexual/Sexual Reproduction Musculoskeletal System Alzheimer Disease

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EKG Medical Term › View

the medical term meaning relation to the heart and lungs is:

A. cardiopulmunary

B. cardiovascular

C. cardiolungular

D. cardiorenal

Infection Control › View

Health care workers who have direct patient contact are advised to take the

A. AIDS vaccine

B. hepatitis B vaccine

C. herpes vaccine

D. staphylococcus vaccine