Medical Quiz

Movement Quiz

The function of ribs is protecting….

A. Lungs only

B. Lungs and heart

C. Heart only

D. Brain

Select your answer:


Transportation Regulating the Cell Cycle Digestive System Circulatory & Lymphatic MS Neurology Biopsychology - Neuroplasticity and Functional Recovery Respiratory System Med Term Muscles Types of Medical Reports Dimensions of Wellness Bacteria & Disease History of Medicine Skeleton Illnesses and Diseases in Caregiving Biodiversity

Other quiz:

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Why does the Adaptive Immune System keep a memory of the pathogens they fight off, but Innate System does not?

A. Adaptive immunity is present at birth and needs to keep a memory of these pathogens over time, but Innate immunity is temporary so it does not a memory of pathogens.

B. Adaptive immunity is short lived, it keeps a memory of pathogens for future reference, whereas Innate immunity is present at birth so it does not need to keep a memory.

C. Innate immunity does not fight off pathogens so it cannot keep a record, while Adaptive immunity only fights off pathogens, therefore needing to keep a memory of them.

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Which image shows a person with farsightedness?

A. A

B. B

C. C

D. D