Medical Quiz

Organ Systems Quiz

defense against infection and disease

A. circulatory

B. lymphatic

C. integumentary

D. nervous

Select your answer:


Illnesses and Diseases in Caregiving HFT Vitamins Blood Donation Phlebotomy Medical Terminology Pharmacology Circulatory System Asexual Reproduction Mnt For Pulmonary Disease and Adverse Reactions to Food Infectious Disease My Teeth Skeletal Tissue Brain and Nervous System Bone Development and Remodeling Year 7 Nutrition Integumentary and Musculoskeletal Systems

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Orthopaedic surgeons specializing in tumors will mostly be dealing parts of the body. EXCEPT

A. extremeties

B. spine

C. joints

D. pelvis

Viruses › View

Which of the following is one important difference between a virus and a bacterial cell?

A. a virus is much larger in size than a bacterial cell

B. a virus always causes more severe disease than a bacterial cell

C. a virus can never reproduce on its own, but a bacterial cell can

D. a virus does not contain genetic material, but a bacterial cell does