Medical Quiz

Muscular System Quiz

Which muscles are involuntary?

A. Skeletal

B. Smooth

C. Cardiac

D. smooth and cardiac

Select your answer:


Vocabulary - Health Your Body Molecular Biology Kidney - Loop of Henlé Hospitality Epidemiology Bacteria & Viruses Skin Appendages Sources Of Food Cells and Organ Systems Health-Wellness-Illness Renal Nail Disorders and Diseases Viruses and Prions Surgical tech-safety

Other quiz:

Endocrine System › View

Hypothyroidism is caused by _____________ thyroxine secretion, whereas hyperthyroidism is caused by ___________ thyroxine secretion.

A. adequate, excessive

B. inadequate, excessive

C. adequate, insufficient

D. inadequate, insufficient

Viruses Biomolecules › View

What is the first step of the virus reproduction cycle?
A. The viruses genetic material (DNA) starts to take over the functions of the cell
B. The host cell bursts open, releasing the new viruses
C. The virus injects its genetic material into the cell
D. A virus attaches to the surface of a host cell