Medical Quiz

Molecular Biology Quiz

Which best describes the process by which the energy from the sun is used to create glucose molecules?

A. fermentation

B. chemo-synthesis

C. cellular respiration

D. photosynthesis

Select your answer:


Infection Detection Wellness & Influences Integumentary System PHE Healthy Lifestyle Infant Nutrition Mechanical Digestion Fungi/Bacteria/Biotechnology Sense of Sight Integumentary System Medical Terminology Anatomy - Muscle Contraction and Growth Skin Diseases Teeth & Microbes Epidemiology Skin Growth Medical Terminology Prefixes

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Which of the following founded the American Red Cross?

A. Clara Barton

B. Florence Nightingale

C. Joseph Lister

D. Edward Jenner

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What type of immunity happens as a result of antibodies passed from the mother to a fetus during pregnancy?

A. Artificial active

B. Artificial passive

C. Natural active

D. Natural passive