Medical Quiz

Microbial Growth Quiz

Extremely high temperatures can cause a decline in bacterial growth because

A. heat increases metabolic rate and creates more waste products.

B. heat slows down metabolic rate.

C. heat denatures enzymes/proteins, DNA, and causes leaky membranes.

D. heat prevents DNA from replicating.

Select your answer:


Foot Orthosis Vocab Year 7 Nutrition Cell Structure and Function Nail Enhancement Hematology Energy, Hydrology, Microbiology Nucleic Acids Disease and Immunity Stroke Blood Typing Digestion and Microbes Terms for The Skeletal System DNA and Polypeptide Synthesis Blood Pressure Gastroenterology

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The process by which nutrient molecules pass through the wall of your digestive system into your blood.

A. absorption

B. digestion

C. peristalsis

D. villi

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How do you move with the ball in basketball?

A. Bouncing ball

B. Dribbling ball with feet

C. You can’t move

D. Throwing the ball the air