Medical Quiz

Immunity and Vaccines Quiz

How do vaccines work?

A. They don’t

B. Vaccines use the body’s natural adaptive immune system to build up a resistance to a disease by creating antibodies before we are ever exposed to it giving us increased resistance or even complete immunity to the disease

C. vaccines give us the full disease, and your body will either fight it or not

D. I have no idea what a vaccine is

Select your answer:


Nutrition form 2 Pathology Inflammation Excretion Fat Pathology Physical Fitness Health issue related to immune system Biology for Engineers Bones, Joints and Muscles Mechanical Digestion Pathogens, Disease and Immunity Hazards & Risks The Cardiovascular System OCR A-level Bacterial Resistance and Biotechnology Pathology Endocrine

Other quiz:

Blood Pressure › View

Define Pulse Pressure

A. Force exerted by the blood against the vessel wall

B. The difference between systolic and diastolic pressure

C. The averaged arterial pressure over the cardiac cycle

D. Quantity of blood that passes a given point in the circulation in a given period of time.

E. Tendency of the vascular system to oppose flow

Pathology › View

“Bamboo Spine” in X-ray shows the patient has ______.

A. Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis

B. Rheumatic fever

C. Juvenile Ankylosing Spondylitis

D. Systemic Lupus Erythematosus