Medical Quiz

Cell Theory and Cell Organelles Quiz

Which organelle is only found in a plant cell? 

A. nucleus

B. chloroplast

C. mitochondria

D. cell membrane

Select your answer:


Hearing Impairment Laparoscopic Surgery Pathology Muscle Origin, Insertion, and Function Food for Thought Sense of Sight Health Care Medical Suffixes Stress and Mental Health Diseases of Digestive System Effects of Exercise on the Musculoskeletal System Body Movements Urinary System Pathology of Respiratory System Nail Enhancement

Other quiz:

Infection Control › View

What should you do first when preparing to clean and disinfect a basic foot basin?​

A. rinse the foot basin with clean water

B. fill the basin with disinfectant

C. scrub the inside of the foot basin

D. put on gloves and safety glasses

Cardiology › View

Quantity of blood that passes a given point in the circulation in a given period of time.

A. blood pressure

B. blood flow

C. ejection fraction

D. heart rate