Medical Quiz

The Ear Quiz

Which ossicle gets it vibrations directly from the Tympanic Membrane?

A. Malleus

B. Incus

C. Stapes

D. Cochlea

Select your answer:


Body Defense Vitals Lymphatic System Sense of Sight Lipids History of Immunology Epidemiology Vision and Light Nervous & Endocrine Systems Vision and Hearing Defects Circulation of Blood DNA Structure, Replication, Proteins SSTI and Bone Infections Nutrition and Calorific Value Microbial Growth & Nutrition

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What is an example of the muscular system and the nervous system interacting to maintain homeostasis?

A. The brain sends a message to move a muscle.

B. A leg muscle provides energy to the brain.

C. A rib bone moves oxygen and glucose to the brain.

D. The skull provides nutrients for brain growth and repair.

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A child with ADD has what?

A. Attention Deficit Disorder

B. Academic Developmental Delays

C. Auditory Development Disorder

D. Attention Defict Hyperactivity Disorder