Medical Quiz

Respiratory Quiz

How to maintain against the influenza?

A. while sneezing dont cover it

B. Drink water

C. Keep immune system strong

D. Only eat JunkFood

Select your answer:


Environmental Biotechnology Bones, Joints and Muscles Oxygenation Nervous System Integumentary System Medical Terminology Your Body Body Structures and Organ Systems Thyroid Atoms and Radioactivity Nutrition - Digestive System Food System & Nutrients Immunity and Vaccines Neurology Anxiety Disorders Cardiovascular Nursing

Other quiz:

Heart Anatomy › View

The pumping cycle begins when oxygen deprived blood returns from the body through the _______________ and ___________.

A. right coronary, left coronary arteries

B. superior vena cava, inferior vena cava

C. right pulmonary vein, left pulmonary vein

Endocrine System › View

It causes changes in activity in these target cells and directs a variety of cellular activities to keep the body in homeostasis.

A. Hormones

B. Pituitary Gland

C. Hypothalamus

D. Thalamus