Medical Quiz

Digestive System and Nutrition Quiz

Which organ does most of the chemical digestion of food and allows nutrients to be absorbed into the body?

A. stomach

B. esophagus

C. small intestine

D. liver

Select your answer:


Nucleic Acids Eye and Ear SCI CH2-1 Careers in Health Care Pancreas Physical Activity Fluid and Electrolytes Muscle pathophysiology Skeletal System Vocabulary Reproduction Enzymes Adaptive Immune System Human Urinary System Ears Burns and Skin Cancer

Other quiz:

Muscle Tissue › View

Why is the muscle red?

A. Because of blood

B. Because of hemoglobin

C. Because of myoglobin

D. Because of carotene

What is Psychology? › View

_______ investigates internal mental processes, such as problem solving, memory, learning, and language

A. cognitive psychology

B. developmental psychology

C. abnormal psychology

D. clinical psychology