Medical Quiz

Blood Pressure and Blood Vessels Quiz

ADH acts on the _____ to regulate facultative water reabsorption.

A. proximal convoluted tubules

B. descending portions of the nephron loop

C. thick and thin segments of the ascending nephron loop

D. early and late distal convoluted tubules

E. late distal convoluted tubules and collecting ducts

Select your answer:


Cardiorespiratory System Limitation of Senses Eyes and Hearing Human Excretory System Respiratory, Cardiovascular & Oncology Skeletal Tissue Deficiency Disease Corona Factors Affecting Health Gene Expression Cardiology Services Med Terms Vet Terminology Monoclonal Antibodies Laboratory Careers Medicine on the Western Front

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Which describes somatic nerves?

A. Voluntary nerves

B. Involuntary nerves

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The position with the body erect with the arms at the sides and the palms forward.

A. Supine position

B. Anatomical position

C. Anterior position

D. Ventral position