Medical Quiz

Disabilities Quiz

A brain based issue that makes it hard to learn to read accurately and fluently is called _________.

A. visually impaired

B. autism

C. dyslexia

D. down syndrome

Select your answer:


Trauma Water Macromolecules Human Eye and Colorful World Respiratory, Cardiovascular & Oncology The Brain Our Control Center Human Anatomy and Physiology - Types of Tissues Renal & Neural Health and Medicine Molecular Biology Heart Disease, Illness and Sickness Integumentary System Medical Terminology Forensic Odontology Cardiology Medications Counseling: Fact or Myth?

Other quiz:

Histology › View

In which body structure would we find smooth muscle?

A. Heart

B. hamstring muscles

C. bladder

D. skin

Infectious Disease › View

Herd immunity means that

A. Nobody in the population will get the disease

B. Individuals who are not vaccinated are protected if most of the population are vaccinated

C. Everyone who comes in contact with the disease will catch it

D. Everyone must get a vaccination