Medical Quiz

Topics: Vocabulary - Health Quiz

Air pollution is a prominent cause of _____.

A. respiratory diseases

B. immune diseases

C. digestive diseases

D. acute diseases

Select your answer:


Cardiology Medications Integumentary System Human Reproduction Kidney - Loop of Henlé The Nervous System and The Senses Pediatrics Tissues Vet Science Terms Neurological Concepts Parathyroid Gland Nucleic Acids Genetics: Viruses and Bacteria Urinary System Pulmonology Musculoskeletal Psychiatry

Other quiz:

Disease Outbreak and Transmission › View

What type of transmission is this? Mosquitos, fleas, and ticks pass along an infectious disease.

A. insect bites

B. contaminated objects

C. food and drinking water

D. person to person contact

Laparoscopic Surgery › View

What is a common challenge during laparoscopic surgery?

A. Larger cuts are needed

B. The view inside the body is limited

C. The risk of infection is higher

D. It always takes longer to heal