Medical Quiz

Topics: Stem Cells & Cell Differentiation Quiz

This type of cell sends messages throughout the body in the form of electrical impulse.

A. nerve cell

B. sperm cell

C. muscle cell

D. skin cell

Select your answer:


Gene Cloning Ear/Eye Medical Terms Cells Hele Skeletal System Skeletal Muscle Anatomy Safety and First Aid Health Issues and Concerns Sensory Disorder Physical Education Macronutrients & Micronutrients Pulmonology/Respiratory Psychiatry Antimicrobial Pharmacology Blood and Hematology Limitation of Senses

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What is the most effective way to prevent the spread of viruses?

A. antibiotics

B. vaccines

C. antivirals

D. social distancing

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Which of the following are habits that could help reduce your risk of catching an infectious disease?

A. Wash hands/Hand sanitizer

B. Cover mouth when sneezing or coughing

C. Eat a healthy diet and get enough sleep

D. Increase your vitamin C intake

E. All of these