Topics: Respiratory System Med Term Quiz
Dr. Doolittle discovers that his patient has an inflammation of the lungs. He records this on the patients chart as:
A. Bronchitis
B. Bronchoplegia
C. Pnumonia
D. Pneumonitis
Select your answer:
Microbial Growth & Nutrition Patient-Centered Endocrinology First Aid Bleeding Prehabilitation and Conditioning Lifetime Wellness Human Muscle Healthy Lifestyle Anatomy and Physiology Heart Anatomy Oncology Effects of Exercise on the Musculoskeletal System Common Diseases in Human Beings Parts of the Brain Neuroanatomy Human Anatomy Study GuideOther quiz:
Muscles and Movements › ViewMovement of hand/foot so that the thumb/big toe moves away from the midline
A. inversion
B. eversion
C. adduction
D. abduction
Hematology › View
A patient has a hemoglobin level of 10 g/dL. According to the rule of three, what is the expected range of hematocrit?
A. HGB x3 = Hematocrit +3
B. 10×3=30 +3
C. 27%-33%