Medical Quiz

Topics: Proteins, Amino Acids, & Enzymes Quiz

What are some functions of proteins, Except?

A. Store & transmit heredity

B. Help to fight disease

C. Control the rate of reactions

D. Regulate cell processes

E. Build tissues such as bone and muscle

Select your answer:


Biodiversity Human Reproduction Genetics The Cell Heterotrophic Nutrition Skull Fainting and Nosebleed Pituitary, Thyroid and Adrenal Diet Human Digestive System Year 7 Nutrition Health and Hygiene Agents of Disease Enzymes and ATP Structure Fat

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What do the initials D.M.D mean?

A. donor of organs

B. doctor of dental medicine

C. doctor of dogs

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What is the function of warning and alarm systems in hospitals?

A. Inform responsible staff about failure detection or change in requirements

B. Inform responsible staff about fluctuation in vital sign

C. Inform responsible staff about spillage of toxic substance

D. Inform responsible staff about emergency case arrival