Topics: Pediatric Musculoskeletal Disorders Quiz
During a school health class, Evelyn learned about various conditions affecting children. What is the primary cause of cerebral palsy?
A. Genetic mutation
B. Brain injury before, during, or shortly after birth
C. Viral infection
D. Nutritional deficiency
Select your answer:
Nutrition and Biochemistry Vocabulary Macromolecules Nutrition Lipid Fitness Anatomy Bones Anatomy and Physiology Excretion in Humans Cell - Fundamental Unit of Life The Chemistry of Microbiology RDA Dental Caries Alzheimer Disease Gene Expression Physical Education Microbio (Viruses) Hospital DepartmentsOther quiz:
Life Processes › ViewThe chewing and grinding of food into smaller pieces is an example of…
A. Mechanical Digestion
B. Chemical Digestion
First Aid Bleeding › View
You notice that blood has soaked through the dressing and bandage. You would do this first:
A. apply another dressing and bandage over the top of the first one
B. remove the bandage and dressing and start over