Topics: Parts of the Brain Quiz
Part of the brain stem responsible for transmitting signals from the spinal cord to the brain. Also responsible for heartbeat and respiration.
A. Pons
B. Midbrain
C. Medulla oblongata
D. Frontal lobe
Select your answer:
Viruses and Prions Bones Surgical & Complementary Terms Human Anatomy Pathophysiology Cell Division First Aid Bleeding Genetic Engineering Skin Structure, Growth & Nutrition Medicine on the Western Front Covid-19 Inhalation Injury Diseases Communicable or non Communicable Skeletal System Histology, Bone Repair Joints STNA (State Tested Nursing Assistant)Other quiz:
Micro Immunology › ViewInvolved in allergies
A. IgA
B. IgD
C. IgE
D. IgG
E. IgM
Integumentary System › View
Which layer of the skin is avascular?
A. dermis
B. epidermis
C. hypodermis