Medical Quiz

Topics: Medicine Clinics Quiz

All are features of Hypothyroidism EXCEPT –

A. Pallor

B. Constipation

C. Cold intolerance

D. Sweaty skin

Select your answer:


Aseptic Technique & Sterile Comp Review Infectious Disease Homeostasis, Nutrition, Digestion & Absorption Geriatrics Bone Development and Remodeling Urinary System Medical Terms Cell Transport CNA Introduction Type of Dementia Nutrition In Animal Genes and Cells Digestion and Microbes Health Issues and Concerns Nutrition and Human Digestive System Carbohydrates

Other quiz:

Eye in Color Vision › View

What is the blind spot in the human eye?

A. The point where the optic nerve leaves the eye, containing no photoreceptors

B. A region in the cornea with no vision

C. The central area of the retina that provides the clearest vision

D. The peripheral part of the eye that detects motion

Genetics › View

The heart and blood vessels are in which system?

A. digestive

B. circulatory

C. respiratory

D. nervous