Medical Quiz

Topics: Major Nutrients Quiz

A protein used to make skin, scar tissue, ligaments, tendons, and blood vessels.

A. Collagen

B. Calcium

C. Iron

D. Zinc

Select your answer:


Genetics: Viruses and Bacteria Introduction to Pharmacology Foot Orthosis Vocab Body Fluids and Blood Cells General Anatomy Nephrology (Hemodialysis) Dimensions of Wellness The Teeth Kinetics Musculoskeletal BMI (Body Mass Index) Physical fitness , Wellness and Lifestyle Tongue and Skin Obesity Nervous System

Other quiz:

Body Systems › View

What is the musculoskeletal system made of?

A. Bones  & heart

B. Brain & lungs

C. Muscles & bones

D. Mouth & stomach

Skeletal System › View

Portion of the skeleton that forms the main axis of the body, consisting of the skull, ribs, sternum, and backbone.

A. appendicular skeleton

B. axial skeleton

C. coxal bones

D. skeleton