Medical Quiz

Topics: Laser in Medicine Quiz

Which of the following statements are true?

LASER is used as optical source in single mode fibers.
LASER lights are highly incoherent.

A. 1. is true and 2. is false

B. 1. is false and 2. is true

C. Both 1 & 2 are true

D. Both 1 & 2 are false

Select your answer:


Blood Pressure Forensics Terms Inner Ear Neuroanatomy DNA & Types of Reproduction Shoulder Thyroid Ecology Illness and Symptoms Branches of Microbiology Diversity Glucose in the Body Linked Gene Dermis History of Immunology Biodiversity Conservation

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The cluster of cells found in the pancreas responsible for the secretion of digestive enzymes, insulin and glucagon.

A. Glycogen

B. Adrenal glands

C. Islets of Langerhans

D. Langerhans Cells

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Antigens that elicit allergic reactions are called ______

A. autoantigens

B. allergens

C. heterophilic antigens

D. superantigens